Wisata Di Sukabumi

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kabupaten Sukabumi terletak lebih kurang 120 Km dari Jakarta atau sekitar dua setengah jam perjalanan dengan mobil pribadi. Tempat ini sangat mudah dicapai dari Jakarta, Bogor dan Bandung. Sukabumi memiliki wisata yang beraneka ragam, mulai dari wisata laut, pantai sampai wisata gunung. Beberapa obyek wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi wisatawan.
1. Wisata Pantai
Sukabumi memiliki bentangan Pantai sepanjang 117 km, di antaranya Pantai Cibangban yang berjarak 17 km dari Pelabuhan ratu. Pantai ini sangat indah karena memiliki ketenangan pantai bila dibandingkan dengan pantai-pantai lain yang berada di Palabuhan ratu, serta ditunjang oleh lingkungan panorama keindahan alam yang luar biasa. Keindahan Pantai Pelabuhan ratu akan lebih menakjubkan bila disaksikan sore hari saat terbenam matahari, terlebih pada waktu bulan purnama. Untuk dapat menyaksikan panorama sunset ini bisa dilihat dari pantai Karang Hawu. Untuk penginapan, di sepanjang pantai ini banyak tersedia penginapan yang menawarkan berbagai fasilitas, salah-satunya adalah Inna Samudra Beach Hotel.

2. Surfing
Palabuhan ratu memiliki banyak pantai dengan ombak yang sangat cocok untuk melakukan kegiatan selancar, antara lain Pantai Cimaja, Pantai Ombak Tujuh dan beberapa pantai lainnya. Kegiatan ini dapat dilakukan baik pagi maupun sore hari, karena angin yang terbaik untuk melakukan selancar biasanya mulai bertiup dari pukul sebelas pagi sampai dengan pukul empat sore. Biasanya musim yang terbaik untuk kegiatan selancar adalah pada bulan Mei sampai Oktober. Karang Hawu yang biasanya disebut memiliki pemandangan matahari terbenam yang indah, juga merupakan tempat selancar yang baik. Letaknya kurang lebih 2 km dari Cimaja, sedangkan di sebelah timur Cimaja terdapat Karangsari dengan ombak tidak terlalu besar merupakan tempat yang sangat cocok bagi pemula.
3. Arung Jeram
Sukabumi memiliki banyak sungai, di antaranya ada beberapa sungai yang sudah sangat terkenal dengan kegiatan arung jeram, seperti Sungai Citarik yang berada kurang lebih 30 Km dari Kota Sukabumi, sungai ini memiliki alur jeram terbaik dan mempunyai alur yang berliku-liku ke bawah dari gunung Halimun hingga kepesawahan dengan pemandangan hutan yang sangat indah dari kiri kanannya. Sungai lainnya yang biasa juga dipakai untuk Arung Jeram adalah sungai Cicatih dan sungai Cimandiri.

4. Upacara Tahunan
Upacara Tahunan para nelayan merupakan acara tradisi para nelayan di Palabuhanratu dalam rangka mengekspresikan rasa syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa atas kenikmatan yang diperoleh mereka dari sumber kelautan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Acara ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April setiap tahunnya.

5. Wana Wisata Cangkuang
Wana Wisata Cangkuang merupakan obyek Wisata KPH Sukabumi yang memberikan nuansa alam yang khas di lereng Gunung Salak. Terletak dilereng Gunung Salak Desa Cidahu Kabupaten Sukabumi, dengan suasana alam yang segar dan alami sehingga memberikan suasana kesejukan dan ketenangan, sehingga sangat cocok untuk rekreasi keluarga, pelajar dan karyawan. Selain itu Wana Wisata Cangkuang juga sangat cocok untuk melaksanakan meeting perusahaan. Untuk pelajar dan pengunjung yang interest terhadap wisata petualangan pengelola telah menyiapkan camping ground dan hiking track untuk mencapai Kawah Ratu dan Air Terjun Dua Undak.

6. Wana Wisata Cipelang
Obyek Wisata Cipelang merupakan obyek wisata yang menawarkan suasana alam pegunungan dengan karakteristik yang khas, pengunjung dibawa kedalam suasana alam yang sulit untuk ditemui saat ini, apalagi dengan rutinitas suasana kota sangat kompleks, suasana obyek wisata KPH Sukabumi sangat cocok untuk menghilangkan penat setelah bekerja, juga untuk wisata keluarga, sangat baik untuk memberikan pelajaran tentang alam dan kehidupan. Terletak 15 Km ke arah utara kota Sukabumi di kaki gunung Gede dengan suhu berkisar 18-20oC dengan kelembaban rata-rata 17 %. Dengan area camping ground yang cukup luas, Wana Wisata Cipelang sangat cocok untuk kegiatan perkemahan untuk pelajar dan umum.

7. Wana Wisata Gua Buniayu
Gua Buniayu adalah gua alam yang terbentuk akibat pelarutan dan pengikisan air hutan terhadap lapisan batugamping di kawasan perbukitan yang terjadi selama ribuan tahun. Wana wisata ini terletak di Desa Kertaangsana Kecamatan Nyalindung Kabupaten Sukabumi ke arah Sagaranten, dengan suhu udara berkisar 20-28 derajat Celcius dengan curah hujan rata-rata 3.750 mm. Sukabumi dengan kekayaan obyek wisatanya, selalu menjadi daya tarik pengunjung. Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi obyek wisata lain yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Wisatawan tinggal menentukan sendiri obyek wisata apa saja yang layak untuk dikunjungi

The Most Beautiful Places In ASIA

Gujarat state
Gujarat state is the most important place of production of cotton and salt. Also, Mahatma Gandhi, father of the nation of India, is Gujarati. Between 2005 and 2006, heavy rains brought by monsoon causing severe flooding and killed thousands of lives. It is estimated that climate change will bring the West India more storms and floods can not be predicted.

The Maldives is an archipelago, consisting of 1,200 islands in the Indian Ocean. The most well known for beautiful scenery: white beaches, swaying palm trees, colorful corals and abundant sunshine. 80 percent of the average height of the Maldives is less than one meter. If rising sea levels continue to change the global climate, this beautiful paradise might disappear under the sea sooner or later.

Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, located on the Chao Phraya Delta. The city is a center of politics, economy, culture and education of Thailand. Bangkok positioned low and always threatened by flooding during the rainy season. In addition, geological formation, urbanization and excessive exploitation of ground water produces rapid destruction of land in Bangkok. It is estimated that most of the city of Bangkok will be submerged below sea level until the end of this century.

Cherrapunji, India, 1290 meters above sea level, receives the majority of annual rainfall in the world. But 98 percent of local rainfall occurs from March to October every year, and only four months left, will be somewhat dry climate. There is no reservoirs for the storage of rain water in there. Also to global climate change recently, environmental pollution, deforestation and soil erosion, local people do not even get enough water to live in the dry season.

Komodo Island
Komodo Island in Indonesia is most famous for the clarity of the sea and tropical marine life is diverse, so be the Mecca of divers around the world. What else is known on the island of Komodo is the world's largest lizard - the Komodo. Rising sea levels are already threatening the existence of coastal mangrove forests and beaches. Meanwhile, acidification and changes in ocean water temperatures can kill coral around the island.

There are about 1,200 Red-crowned cranes living in the city of Kushiro Wetland Hokkaido, Japan. It is a paradise for rare breeding birds. large-scale hunting by human beings and rising sea levels, the Kushiro wetland is reduced year by year. Red-crowned crane and the habitat is also much reduced.

Sindhu river
Sindhu rivers originate from glaciers in the Himalayas and more than 3000 kilometers. This creates a jungle river, places and villages along the way, thus becoming an important source for irrigation. Shrinking glaciers and changes in the irregular rainfall could increase the local water shortage problem

Kalimantan (Borneo) Indonesia is the third largest island in the world. About 50 percent of the island is covered by primitive forests. And a variety of rare species live in this mysterious tropical forests. however, excessive logging, oil palm plantation expansion and construction of roads, causing the shrinking of tropical forests. global climate change also resulted in the extinction of the local flora and spread of malaria. High temperatures and dry also increases the danger of forest fires.

Siberian Altai
Altai mountains of southern Siberia biogeographic region is mountainous western Siberia. This region is the most complete sequence of vegetation zones in Siberia, begun from the pasture, forest, mixed forest, subalpine vegetation to alpine vegetation. The site is also an important habitat for rare animal species like snow leopard. Of the last century, temperatures in this area continues to increase, and the researcher that in the coming decades will threaten the unique ecological system.

Mount Qomolangma
Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain on Earth above sea level, and the highest point of the earth. Various kinds of endangered rare animals inhabit here, including snow leopards, pandas also live on the lower side and so on. Scientists have claimed that about two-thirds of the glacier has melted. melting glaciers could lead to the expansion of glacial lakes that would lead to several natural disasters including floods and landslides.

The Most Beautiful Places In Indonesia

Indonesia is a country that is very beautiful, natural beauty stretching from Sabang to Merauke, diverse cultures together under one flag of red and white. one of my goals is to roam around the corner of the country, :-) and learn from nature and culture of our country is very diverse.
1. Lorentz National Park
Lorentz National Park is set as one of the world natural heritage site by UNESCO in 1999, is one of the three regions in the world that has snow in the tropics. Lorentz National Park is representative of the complete ecosystem for biodiversity in South East Asia and Pacific region. This area covers the mountains, beaches, lakes, jungle, etc. here too there is one of the seven highest peaks on seven continents (Seven Summits) is Carstensz, pyramid or by local communities in the call-Ndugu Ndugu (4884 masl). of the many indigenous tribes who live in this region, the tribe's most famous Asmat tribe. Lorentz National Park has so many interesting places to visit, but for access to the area is extremely difficult in addition to topography and rugged terrain, the region still has not been thoroughly mapped secarah there are still many places untouched by man.
2. Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat is the region with the richest natural resources in the tropical world, Raja Ampat is an archipelago, carrying 610 islands included in this region and around the 35 islands are inhabited. many say that the Raja Ampat is the best place in the world's marine tourism .. in addition to presenting outstanding scenery, access to the Raja Ampat fairly easy enough. Raja Ampat is widely available in the beach resort overlooks some incredible exotic .. some of which are managed by foreigners. Raja Ampat is also famous for its diving tour, a spectacular underwater scenery can be enjoyed by diving. we can also use a speedboat sailing and enjoying the natural beauty of the islands of Raja Ampat.
Lombok is included in West Nusa Tenggara Province, a small island presents so many stunning natural beauty .. wide variety of natural beauty we can meet, exotic beaches from Senggigi, Gili Trawangan underwater tours, sightseeing Niagara, to the lake at an altitude of 2000 masl (Segara Anak Gunung Rinjani National Park), at the foot of Mount Rinjani also contained an inland settlement Sasak tribe who still live in a way - the traditional way. the beauty of Lombok is famous in the world, almost rivaling the popularity of Bali as a tourist icon Indonesia.
Who does not know Bali? the island is even more famous than Indonesia itself .. while soccer star Christiano Ronaldo to visit Indonesia in the framework of a social visit after the tsunami disaster a few years ago he told me that initially he thought that Indonesia is a country near the island of Bali.
Bali island is famous for its natural beauty. the island is referred to as the island of Gods, where bersemayamnya the gods. although so many resorts in Bali, but the most famous tourist beaches .. starting from sunset beach of Kuta, Sanur Sunrise beach, Dreamland beach beauty, etc

5. Bromo Tengger Semeru National PARK
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is a must place to visit, especially for tourists who love outdoor activities. This region presents a variety of stunning natural beauty .. Coban's call it the Rainbow (with flashes of rainbow waterfall that is always visible in the daytime), the Ocean Sand Mount Bromo, Sunrise Penanjakan, Coban Trident, etc. .. but the most beautiful is Mount Semeru, Semeru presents incredible scenery .. starting from Ranukumbolo (lake at an altitude of 2400 masl), savanna oro-oro Ombo, pine forests, flower-filled valleys Kalimati edelweiss, and of course the peak is so famous - Mahameru. Semeru is the highest mountain on the island of Java (3676 masl).

Three color lakes, that's one beauty of Flores presented the National Parks .. There are three lakes adjacent kelimutu, respectively - each of blue, red, and dark green. Flores is so beautiful lakes attract both domestic and foreign tourists. the color of the lake is also subject to change from dark green to black, from blue to brown, from light green to white, etc. .. depending on the mood of the mountain Flores .. hehehe .. three lakes in Kelimutu is believed by locals as a place bersemayamnya spirits of the dead man. name of each lake is Tiwu Mbupu Ata which means lake Old Soul People Who Died, second lake called Muri Koo Fai Tiwu Nuwa or Young Life Lake-Mudi The Dead, and the last lake called Lake Tiwu Ata Polo or for the Soul Humans who do evil.

7. Ujung Kulon National Park
National Park Ujung Kulon identical with Javan, is in the Java rhino habitat is live and breed, TN Ujung Kulon has three types of marine ecosystems are aquatic ecosystems, coastal and terrestrial ecosystems. here we can see a variety of stunning natural beauty .. coasts of Ujung Kulon in TN provides a stunning beauty, but there are also other interesting places such as hot springs, waterfalls, etc.. we can also enjoy an exotic underwater scenery, or by renting sailing boats and speedboats to visit the islands in the Ujung Kulon TN.

8. Way Kambas National Park
Way Kambas National Park is located in Lampung Province, an area inhabited by various species of animals are protected as Sumatran elephants, Sumatran tiger, Sumatran rhino, Asian Wild Dog, Tapir, etc. This area is known as an African safari tour was Indonesia, we will enter a vast savanna region and watch the wild animals living in the wild directly.
9. Derawan
Like Raja Ampat, Derawan including one of the best in the world of nautical tourism, the island eksotisan Derawan already so well known in foreign countries. Derawan islands included in the Derawan Islands in the province of East Kalimantan. here we can enjoy the beauty of the beach, and doing all sorts of activities such as diving, snorkeling, or just enjoy the scenery while fishing.

10. Bunaken National Park
Bunaken National Park or more in the know as the Bunaken marine park is located in the Village of Bunaken, District of Bunaken, Manado. Bunaken Marine Park is one of the Beautiful in the World, and various species of fish and coral reefs in Bunaken Marine Park, making it so beautiful .. in Bunaken you can dive, snorkel, or sail a boat wearing a fitted glass on the floor so that we can enjoy the underwater sights from the boat.

Beautiful Places On Earth

You find out the most beautiful places of the world? Well here you will get interesting in the world of travel information and tourist attractions in the world's most preoccupied. The most amazing place you must visit while you are still alive logh,,, of course, if you want the most beautiful places in this world you have to spend a lot. The most beautiful sights in the world is so craved by the people in Indonesia in particular.
Amazon Rainforest, also known as Amazonia, the Amazon jungle or the Amazon Basin, encompasses seven million square kilometers (1.7 billion acres), though the forest itself occupies some 5.5 million square kilometers (1.4 billion acres), located in nine countries. Amazon represents over half of the remaining rainforest on the planet and consists of the largest channels and the most species-rich tropical rainforest in the world. The Amazon River is the largest river in the world by volume, with a total river flow greater than ten in the world combined.
2. Angel Falls (Venezuela)
Angel Falls is the tallest waterfall in the world, with an altitude of 1002 m, and Canaima National Park is located in Bolivar, Venezuela along the border with Brazil. Tejun water has more than 19 times higher than Niagara Falls.
3. Bay of Fundy (Canada)
Bay of Fundy is famous for the highest tides on the planet (16.2 meters or 53 feet). One hundred billion tonnes of seawater flows in and out of the Bay of Fundy twice a day - more water than the combined flow of all rivers of the world's fresh water. Fundy's extreme tide makes marine ecosystems are dynamic and diverse. The bay is famous for its coastal rock formations, extreme tidal effects (vertical, horizontal, rafting and boring) and sustainable coastal development. It is also an internationally important foraging for migratory birds, habitat for whales living Rights rare and endangered species, one of the world's plants and animals of the most significant fossil discovery area. Bay of Fundy is located between the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia on the east coast of North America.
4. Dead Sea (Israel, Jordan, Palestine)
The Dead Sea is a salt lake between the West Bank / Palestine / Israel and Jordan west to east. At 420 meters below sea level, its shores are the lowest point on earth in the dry land. With 30 percent salinity, it is 8.6 times saltier than the ocean.
5. Greet Barrier Reef (Australia, Papuanugini)
Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system on the planet, with about 3,000 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for 2,600 km over an area of ​​approximately 344 400 square km. This is the biggest single structure made by living things and can be seen from space.
6. Iguazu Falls (Argentina, Brazil)
Iguazu Falls, in Iguazu River, is one of the largest waterfalls in the world. They extend over 2,700 m (nearly 2 miles) in a semicircle. Of the 275 falls that collectively make up Iguassu Falls, "Devil's Throat" was the highest at 80 m height. Iguazu Falls is located on the border between Brazil ParanĂ¡ state and the province of Misiones Argentina, and is surrounded by two National Parks (BR / ARG). Both temperate forests are host to hundreds of rare and endangered flora and fauna.

Taman Kasang Kulim, Pekanbaru

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Setengah jam waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam perjalanan dari pusat Kota Pekan baru menuju Taman Wisata dan Margasatwa Kasang Kulim, Pekanbaru, Riau. Anda akan diajak menembus Jalan Kaharuddin Nst. Sesampai di persimpangan kawasan Pasir Putih, terus menyusuri jalan yang lurus. Di Simpang Kubang Raya,  berbelok ke kanan.

Sampai di tujuan, Anda akan disambut gerbang de­ngan replika patung gajah dan relief-relief di salah satu din­ding, menggambarkan se­orang gadis yang melepaskan ber­bagai jenis satwa semisal ga­jah, harimau, singa, rusa, je­rapah, orangutan, kanguru dan je­nis unggas menu­ju kapal ke­berang­katan. Di relief beri­kut­­­nya, sebuah taman satwa me­nung­gu kapal tersebut berla­buh.
Taman Marga Satwa Kasang Kulim adalah satu-satunya kebun binatang yang terdapat di kota  Pekanbaru. Sebagaimana kebun binatang lainnya Kasang Kulim dihuni beberapa hewan yang layak dikunjungi seperti: Burung, Harimau, Singa, Gajah, Orang utan, Beruang, Rusa, Ular, Kuda Nil ( Primadona Kasang Kulim), Buaya, Kera, Monyet dan yang lainnya. In Kasang Kulim Zoo
Kebun binatang Kasang Kulim ini berlokasi di Desa Kubangraya, Kec. Siak Hulu, dapat dicapai dari pusat kota Pekanbaru dengan kendaraan roda dua dalam waktu tempuh 15 menit. Lokasi terhampar dilahan seluas 17 hektar yang didukung dengnan fasilitas yang memadai. Seperti tempat parkir yang luas, taman bermain anak-anak, kolam renang, panggung untuk pertunjukan (lho, nggak ngamuk tuh harimaunya), kolam hias dan lain-lain.
Penamaan taman margasatwa ini sendiri diambil dari tempat asal berdirinya yang dulu merupakan tempat untuk berladang "Kasang". Saat liburan kunjungan diatas 500 orang dan hari-hari biasa hanya 50 hingga 200 pengunjung. Untuk hiburan lebih bagi para pengunjung diwaktu-waktu tertentu, pengelola menggelar panggung hiburan, bahkan mendatangkannya dari Padang, Medan dan Jakarta.
Berdiri sejak tahun 1991, Kebun Binatang Kasang Kulim terus direnovasi oleh pengelo­lanya, Desprianto.  Secara turun temurun, Desprianto me­warisi hobi orangtuanya yang mencintai binatang. Di tanah seluas 14 hektare, ada sekitar 20 jenis binatang yang dirawat di sana. Mulai dari siamang, macam akar, ular sanca, buaya,  be­ruang madu, gajah, rusa, landak, kuda, singa, kuda nil, sampai pelbagai jenis unggas.
Meskipun dalam tahap reno­vasi, Desprianto berharap peme­rintah dapat memberikan perha­tian dan pembinaan terhadap kebun binatang yang dikelolanya. Di luar jenis binatang yang merupakan warisan orangtua dan sum­bangan masyarakat, Kebun Binatang Kasang Kulim juga tergabung dalam Persatuan Kebun Binatang Seluruh Indo­nesia (PKBSI) dan di bawah naungan BKSDA, sehingga Desprianto mendapat bantuan binatang dengan sistem barter. Pada Sab­tu dan Minggu, dok­ter dari Dinas Pe­ternakan datang mengecek kon­disi bina­tang di Kebun Bina­tang Ka­sang Kulim. Cua­ca buruk dan kela­laian petugas men­jadi pe­nentu kehi­du­pan satwa yang ada di dalam­nya.

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