Kuliner Pempek Palembang

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pempek/Empek-empek adalah makanan khas dari kota Palembang yang terbuat dari ikan dan sagu. Sebenarnya sulit untuk mengatakan bahwa pempek pusatnya adalah Palembang karena hampir di semua daerah di Sumatera Selatan memproduksinya.

Penyajian pempek ditemani oleh saus berwarna hitam kecoklat-coklatan yang disebut cuka atau cuko (bahasa Palembang). Cuko dibuat dari air yang dididihkan, kemudian ditambah gula merah, udang ebi dan cabe rawit tumbuk, bawang putih, dan garam. Bagi masyarakat asli Palembang, cuko dari dulu dibuat pedas untuk menambah nafsu makan. Namun seiring masuknya pendatang dari luar pulau Sumatera maka saat ini banyak ditemukan cuko dengan rasa manis bagi yang tidak menyukai pedas. Cuko dapat melindungi gigi dari karies (kerusakan lapisan email dan dentin). Karena dalam satu liter larutan kuah pempek biasanya terdapat 9-13 ppm fluor. Satu pelengkap dalam menyantap makanan berasa khas ini adalah irisan dadu timun segar dan mie kuning. Jenis pempek yang terkenal adalah “pempek kapal selam”, yaitu telur ayam yang dibungkus dengan adonan pempek dan digoreng dalam minyak panas. Ada juga yang lain seperti pempek lenjer, pempek bulat (atau terkenal dengan nama “adaan”), pempek kulit ikan, pempek pistel (isinya irisan pepaya muda rebus yang sudah dibumbui), pempek telur kecil, dan pempek keriting.

Pempek bisa ditemukan dengan sangat mudah di seantero Kota Palembang. Pempek dijual dimana-mana di Palembang, ada yang menjual di restoran, ada yang dipinggir jalan, dan juga ada yang dipikul. Disemua kantin sekolah/tempat kerja/kampus pasti ada yang menjual pempek. Tahun 1980-an, penjual pempek biasa memikul 1 keranjang pempek penuh sambil berkeliling Kota Palembang jalan kaki menjajakan makanannya. Pempek sekarang ada dua jenis yaitu Pempek biasa dan Parempek, campuran antara Pare dan Pempek.

Menurut sejarahnya, pempek telah ada di Palembang sejak masuknya perantau Cina ke Palembang, yaitu di sekitar abad ke-16, saat Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II berkuasa di kesultanan Palembang-Darussalam. Nama empek-empek atau pempek diyakini berasal dari sebutan “apek”, yaitu sebutan untuk lelaki tua keturunan Cina.

Berdasarkan cerita rakyat, sekitar tahun 1617 seorang apek berusia 65 tahun yang tinggal di daerah Perakitan (tepian Sungai Musi) merasa prihatin menyaksikan tangkapan ikan yang berlimpah di Sungai Musi yang belum seluruhnya dimanfaatkan dengan baik, hanya sebatas digoreng dan dipindang. Ia kemudian mencoba alternatif pengolahan lain. Ia mencampur daging ikan giling dengan tepung tapioka, sehingga dihasilkan makanan baru. Makanan baru tersebut dijajakan oleh para apek dengan bersepeda keliling kota. Oleh karena penjualnya dipanggil dengan sebutan “pek … apek”, maka makanan tersebut akhirnya dikenal sebagai empek-empek atau pempek.

Namun cerita rakyat ini patut ditelaah lebih lanjut karena singkong baru diperkenalkan bangsa Portugis ke Indonesia pada abad 16. Selain itu velocipede (sepeda) baru dikenal di Perancis dan Jerman pada abad 18. Selain itu Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin baru lahir tahun 1767. Juga singkong sebagai bahan baku sagu baru dikenal pada zaman penjajahan Portugis dan baru dibudidayakan secara komersial tahun 1810. Walaupun begitu sangat mungkin pempek merupakan adaptasi dari makanan Cina seperti baso ikan, kekian ataupun ngohyang.

Pada awalnya pempek dibuat dari ikan belida. Namun, dengan semakin langka dan mahalnya harga ikan belida, ikan tersebut diganti dengan ikan gabus yang harganya lebih murah, tetapi dengan rasa yang tetap gurih. Pada perkembangan selanjutnya, digunakan juga jenis ikan sungai lainnya, misalnya ikan putak, toman, dan bujuk. Dipakai juga jenis ikan laut seperti Tenggiri, Kakap Merah, parang-parang, ekor kuning, dan ikan sebelah. Juga sudah ada yang menggunakan ikan dencis, ikan lele serta ikan tuna putih.Satu adonan aneka rupa

Dari satu adonan pempek, ada banyak makanan yang bisa dihasilkan, bergantung baik pada komposisi maupun proses pengolahan akhir dan pola penyajian. Di antaranya adalah Laksan, Tekwan, Model,dan Celimpungan. Laksan dan celimpungan disajikan dalam kuah yang mengandung santan; sedangkan model dan tekwan disajikan dalam kuah yang mengandung kuping gajah, kepala udang, bengkuang, serta ditaburi irisan daun bawang, seledri, dan bawang goreng dan bumbu lainnya. Varian baru juga sudah mulai dibuat orang, misalnya saja kreasi pempek keju,pempek baso sapi, pempek sosis serta pempek lenggang keju yang dipanggang di wajan anti lengket.

Special hawker Balikpapan

Friday, July 22, 2011

If we go Marsma Iswahyudi Street, there's Restaurant and Crab Crab Dandito Kenari. Everything favor menus with crab and shrimp seasoning blends typical of each. Restaurant Dandito for example, in addition to providing oyster sauce and black pepper to crab, also using Dandito special sauce that tastes very delicious.

Meanwhile, if you are tasting menu at Restaurant Crab crab Walnuts, you will be faced with a choice of sweet and sour sauce and black pepper. For you who like the taste of sweet, sweet sour crab menu will be the right choice. Large-sized crabs that are a mainstay of the diner, split into several pieces and cooked in a thick sweet and sour sauce.

What about the black pepper crab menu? On the House Eat Dandito, black pepper sauce is served thick with a sweet savory flavor with a spicy black pepper that fit. After eating crab dishes, the better we drink young coconut water that serves as a neutralizer.

How about the same menu at Restaurant Crab Walnuts? Black pepper crab menu at the restaurant was very spicy taste of black pepper. Crab pieces, each shell is filled spots coarse ground black pepper. Black pepper crab menu was only treated with sliced ​​onions.

Enjoyment of eating the crab, the same effect when you order the prawns in the same seasoning blends. At both restaurants, the shrimp is also difficult to be ignored. Everything is blended with spices right by clever chefs to satisfy customers.

Want to find other typical menu in the city the next day? Try the soup tasted banjo. Soto Banjar's original cuisine Banjarmasin (South Kalimantan) which, when taken from the City of Aberdeen by road, about 6 to 7 hours drive.

Soto Banjar is serving as regular chicken soup with glass noodles, some bean sprouts, shredded chicken, and complementary form of potato cakes and fried chips. But the yellow spice nodes, giving a different flavor soup. This is because in addition to chicken soup flavor in general consisting of turmeric, onion, pepper and nutmeg, soto Banjar also spiked with anise and cinnamon. Serves a little cinnamon, and coupled with fennel, make soto Banjar far from fragrant cinnamon. Every bribe the warmth makes you will not stop eating until the soup runs out of the bowl.

Another typical food in town is the monitor. This monitor is a solid dumplings. You must have come across monitor the packaging in the supermarket, in the frozen food. In the city of Balikpapan, this monitor to the main menu is eaten with a variety of Chinese-style dishes. Can be eaten with beef or chicken kungpao seasoning, or seasoning pepper. Options that will be enjoyed any monitor, there are two. Can a steamed or fried. A monitor measuring 10 cm in diameter, priced at Rp 2,500 for the presentation of steamed white and Rp 3,000 for the fries.

Make sure you order the fried good quality mantau. These are good quality, the texture of flour which had fermentation, very solid. Do not be afraid of the oil used for frying. It looks brown tan, with a dry shiny surface. Seller mantau the well-known in Aberdeen, can be found at the new shop Restaurant Suky in Aberdeen and Depot Road Pandansari Simpang 4. The mantau is even eaten with venison that kungpao and sprinkled with cashew nuts, known as ripe cashew.

For a typical food market, you can enjoy a variety of fried foods including fried bananas, fried and know the content of cassava. Fried cassava, there are two kinds, ordinary fried cassava is eaten with the spice paste dicocolkan and cassava are round shaped with a slightly sweet taste, like getuk, wrapped in flour and fried in a thin and crispy.

Meanwhile, dry snacks that can be used as souvenirs, many are selling at Balikpapan amplang tiger nails. Amplang This is a snack made from fish, fish crackers shaped like as Palembang with almost the same flavor, savory flavor of the fish. Shaped like a little fat such as nails tiger, fish crackers are called amplang tiger nails.

If you want to bring a gift of food, crab menu above can also be taken as souvenirs. Two restaurants are packed crab in a thick clear plastic wrap, then put in small boxes that are sealed so that no smell. Well, the City of Aberdeen can make full too right?

Wisata Di Jambi, Sumatra

Thursday, June 30, 2011

1. Museum Negeri Jambi
Terletak di perempatan jalan Prof. Dr. Soedewi Sofwan dan jalan Urip Sumoharjo, Kotamadya Jambi. Museum ini dibangun pada tahun 1981 di atas tanah seluas 13.350 meter persegi dengan luas bangunan kurang lebih 4000 meter persegi. Di museum ini terdapat berbagai peninggalan sejarah dan budaya Jambi serta informasi tentang potensi alam yang terdapat di wilayah Jambi. Bentuk rumah Kajang Loko merupakan ciri khas dari arsitektur Museum Negeri Jambi.

2. Taman Anggrek Prof. Dr. Sri Soedewi Sofwan
Terletak di Kecamatan Telanaipura 5 kilometer dari pusat kota Jambi dengan luas areal kurang-lebih 25.056 meter persegi. Taman Anggrek ini dibangun atas prakarsa almarhum Prof. Dr. Soedewi Sofwan dan diresmikan penggunaannya oleh Ibu Tien Soeharto pada tanggal 4 April 1984. Di dalam taman ini terdapat bangunan utama yaitu plaza, bangunan terbuka dalam bentuk joglo sebagai pusat layanan informasi, bangunan untuk budidaya anggrek, sebuah laboratorium, kolam alam dan sebagainya.

3. Taman Rimba Aneka Ria
Terletak di Kecamatan Jambi Selatan bersebelahan dengan Bandara Udara Sultan Thoha Syafuddin. Luas areal Taman Rimba Ria ini kurang lebih 36 hektar yang sebagian besar ditumbuhi pohon-pohon rindang. Di dalam kawasan taman ini tersedia arena bermain anak-anak, kebun binatang dan arena memancing.

4. Kolam Renang Tepian Ratu
Dibangun di Kecamatan Telanaipura, berjarak 3 kilometer dari pusat kota Jambi. Kolam renang ini merupakan kolam renang bertaraf internasional dengan ukuran 20x50 meter dalam areal seluas 3 hektar. Kolam renang dilengkapi dengan tribun yang dapat menampung lebih dari 10.000 penonton.

5. Taman Mayang Mangurai
Taman ini terletak di Kecamatan Telanaipura berjarak kurang lebih 6 kilometer dari pusat kota, bersebelahan dengan luas areal kurang lebih 1 hektar. Di taman ini dapat disaksikan bangunan rumah adat Jambi yang menyimpan pakaian adat dari daerah tingkat II sepropinsi Jambi beserta perlengkapan tradisional lainnya.

6. Sanggar Batik dan Kerajinan
Dibangun di atas Kecamatan Telanaipura, berjarak kurang lebih 4 kilometer dari kota Jambi sebagai tempat berbagai jenis kerajinan seperti batik khas Jambi, anyaman rakyat, batu-batu akik dan lain-lain. Selain tempat membuat kerajinan-kerajinan tersebut juga sebagai tempat pemasarannya, termasuk batik tradisional.

7. Taman Wisata Indah Setiti
Tempat wisata ini terletak di Desa Setiti, Kabupaten Batanghari, berjarak kurang lebih 19 kilometer dari kota Jambi. Luas areal taman kurang lebih 6 hektar dilengkapi dengan taman bermain anak-anak, patung-patung berbagai jenis hewan, goa-goa dan danau-danau buatan untuk rekreasi.

8. Muara Jambi
Terletak di Desa Muara Jambi, Kecamatan Sekeman, Kabupaten Batanghari 25 kilometer di sebelah timur laut kota Jambi dan dapat dicapai melalui sungai Batanghari dan juga melalui jalur darat. Di kawasan ini terdapat beberapa candi yaitu Astano, Tinggi, Gunung Kembar Batu, Gedong, Kedaton dan Kota Mahligai. Penelitian terhadap peninggalan sejarah dan purbakala di Desa Muara Jambi ini telah dilakukan sejak tahun 1810 sampai tahun 1988. Salah satau temuan arca di Candi Gumpung yaitu arca Prajuaparamita dari zaman Singasari.

9. Bukit Dua Belas
Bukit ini terhampar di kecamatan Paul Kabupaten Bangko kurang lebih 60 kilometer dari kota Bangko. Sejak tahun 1985 ditetapkan sebagai hutan lindung/cagar biosfir dengan luas areal 28.408 hektar. Penetapan sebagai hutan lindung, disamping tempat hidup suku Anak Dalam (Suku Kubu) yang diperkirakan berjumlah kurang lebih 1000 jiwa. Di daerah pinggiran hutan lindung ini terdapat sumber air panas yang mengandung lumpur panas yang menarik untuk dikunjungi.

Typical Food of Jambi, Sumatra

Each region has its specialties is the brand area. In Jambi, which is quite famous is tempoyak, Tepe curry fish, and boiled fish. Jambi is the third special menu has its own flavor and is known far outside the region.

Tempoyak is a food derived from fermented durian fruit. It was very appetizing. No native Edinburgh who had never tasted durian acidic foods made from it. Original Tempoyak Jambi usually only be found in Edinburgh when the durian season arrives. Tempoyak can be used to create various menus such as curry-curry-tempoyak quite famous and a main menu are several restaurants and restaurants offering cuisine typical of Jambi.

Besides curry, tempoyak can also be made for other types of dishes such as chili and curry tempoyak river fish. Jambi Tempoyak very tasty if cooked with fish streams. Seasonings used are chili and turmeric are mashed. "Then the mixed water, heat until boiling, then enter the fish. Tempoyak different taste, depending on the acidification of durian that has been done." If it is made from the original durian, it's definitely more original and delicious. Tempoyak distinctive aroma of curry and taste makes it have its own flavor. Pindang Jambi uses spices like turmeric, ginger, galangal, lemongrass, garlic, and onion and chili. "If the boiled meat, all the crushed spices. While cooking boiled fish, seasoning it just sliced ​​it.

Besides the two dishes above, Jambi also have other distinctive cuisine, which is fish curry and malbi Tepe. Tepe fish curry made from cork mashed fish mixed with flour and eggs, then in pempek adon to resemble dough. Then the dough is boiled, when cool cut square, put curry and coconut milk. Malbi goulash is cooking, but has a sweet flavor because it is cooked with a little soy sauce and brown sugar. Savory flavor in cooking are still created.

Kajang Lako homes / Houses On Stilts Jambi, Sumatra

Inner man is one of the tribes in the province of Jambi. Until now people still retain Inner customs handed down by their ancestors, even the relics of old buildings can still enjoy its beauty and is still used today.

The legend says that the mind is derived from 60 tumbi (family) who moved from Koto Rayo. To 60 families this is what is the origin of Marga Inner V, with 5 villages of origin. So Marga Inner region V that means a collection of five villages that came from the same village. The five villages are Tanjung Muara Semayo, alternating Hamlet, Hamlet Kapok, Dusun Aro Island, and Dusun Muara Clear. Margo Inner Region V has entered the District of the Veil, with its capital in Rantau Panjang, District Sorolangun Bangko.

At first people lived Inner group, consisting of 5 groups of origin that make up the five hamlets. One of the Inner settlements that are still intact to this day is Lamo in Kampung Rantau Panjang. The houses there are built separately elongated, spaced about 2 m, facing the street. Behind the house was built granaries to store rice.

In general, the Inner livelihood is farming, both in the fields or in fields. In addition, they also gardening, looking for forest products, gold panning and fishing in rivers.

Inner dwelling people called the Kajang Lako or House Lamo. Lamo ridge shape like a boat house with a curved tip to the top of the ridge top. Lamo house typology shaped ward, rectangular with a length of 12 m and width of 9 m. Rectangular shape is intended to facilitate preparation of the room is tailored to its function, and also influenced by Islamic law.

As a residential building, Lamo house consists of several parts, the ridge / roof, rafter form, walls, doors / windows, beams, floors, stocking the screen, penteh, pelamban, and stairs.

Ridge / roof is also commonly referred to as 'elephant drunk,' taken from the name of the home maker who was then being drunk in love but do not get the blessing of his parents. Ridge shape also called folding awning, or cut jerambah. The roof is made of woven fibers mengkuang or then folded in half. From the side, roof Lamo look triangular. Roof forms such as it was intended to facilitate the descent of water when it rained, facilitate air circulation, and storing goods.

The shape is the roof rafters in the upper end of the upper. Rafter form in front of and behind the house, sloping shape, serves to prevent entry of water when it rains. Kasou form made 60 cm long and wide ridge.

Walls / home masinding Lamo made of planks, while the door consists of three kinds. The third door is the door upright, masinding door, and behind the transverse door. Door upright on the edge of the left building, serves as the entrance. Upright doors made low so that everyone who entered the house should bow their heads as a sign of respect to the owner of the house. Masinding door serves as a window, is located in the living room. This door can be used to look down, as time progresses ventilation especially at ceremonies, and to facilitate people who are under to find out whether the traditional ceremony has been started or not. The door behind the cross there is a window on a pole behind the cross. The door was used by indigenous leaders, scholars, ninik mamak, and intelligentsia.

The number of poles is 30 Lamo house consists of 24 poles and 6 poles palamban. The main mast is installed in the form of six, each with a length of 4.25 m. The main pillar serves as a bottom pole (stick) and as a pole frame buildings.

Floor custom home in the hamlet Lamo Rantau Panjang, Edinburgh, made bartingkat. The first level is called the main floor, the floor contained in the space behind the cross. In a traditional ceremony, the room can not be occupied by anyone as devoted to traditional leaders. The main floor is made from parts of bamboo are woven with rattan. Hereinafter referred to as normal floor level. The floor in the room behind menalam usual, ordinary living room, space gaho, and pelamban.

Stocking screen, serves as a wall and cover the upper chamber. To withstand water splashed rain, there at the end of the left and right top of the building. The material used is the board.
Penteh, is a place to store is located at the top of the building.
The next house is pelamban part, the part of the leading houses located at the end of the left. Pelamban is an outbuilding / like a terrace. According to local custom, pelamban used as a waiting room for guests who have not been allowed through.
As performance spaces, residential houses have two kinds of people Inner stairs. The first is the main staircase, the staircase located on the right pelamban. The second is penteh ladder, used to ride into penteh.

Makanan Khas Palembang, Sumatra Selatan

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Kota ini memiliki komunitas Tionghoa cukup besar. Makanan seperti pempek atau tekwan yang terbuat dari ikan mengesankan "Chinese taste" yang kental pada masyarakat Palembang.

1. Pempek, makanan khas Palembang yang telah terkenal di seluruh Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan bahan dasar utama daging ikan dan sagu, masyarakat Palembang telah berhasil mengembangkan bahan dasar tersebut menjadi beragam jenis pempek dengan memvariasikan isian maupun bahan tambahan lain seperti telur ayam, kulit ikan, maupun tahu pada bahan dasar tersebut. Ragam jenis pempek yang terdapat di Palembang antara lain pempek kapal selam, pempek lenjer, pempek keriting, pempek adaan, pempek kulit, pempek tahu, pempek pistel, pempek udang, pempek lenggang, pempek panggang, pempek belah dan pempek otak - otak. Sebagai pelengkap menyantap pempek, masyarakat Palembang biasa menambahkan saus kental berwarna kehitaman yang terbuat dari rebusan gula merah, cabe dan udang kering yang oleh masyarakat setempat disebut saus cuka (cuko).

2. Tekwan, makanan khas Palembang dengan tampilan mirip sup ikan berbahan dasar daging ikan dan sagu yang dibentuk kecil - kecil mirip bakso ikan yang kemudian ditambahkan kaldu udang sebagai kuah, serta soun dan jamur kuping sebagai pelengkap.

3. Model, salah satu olahan pempek yang menggugah selera, Model, mirip tekwan tetapi bahan dasar daging ikan dan sagu dibentuk menyerupai pempek tahu kemudian dipotong kecil kecil dan ditambah kaldu udang sebagai kuah serta soun sebagai pelengkap. Ada 2 jenis model, yakni Model Ikan (Model Iwak) dan Model Gandum (Model Gendum).

4. Laksan, berbahan dasar pempek lenjer tebal, dipotong kecil-kecil dan kemudian disiram kuah santan pedas.

5. Celimpungan, mirip laksan, hanya saja adonan pempek dibentuk mirip tekwan yang lebih besar dan disiram kuah santan.

6. Mie Celor, berbahan dasar mie kuning dengan ukuran agak besar mirip mie soba dari Jepang, disiram dengan kuah kental kaldu udang dan daging udang.

7. Burgo, berbahan dasar tepung beras dan tepung sagu yang dibentuk mirip dadar gulung yang kemudian diiris, dinikmati dengan kuah santan.

8. Lakso, berbahan dasar tepung beras, mirip Burgo, namun bertekstur mie.

9. Pindang Patin, salah satu makanan khas Palembang yang berbahan dasar daging ikan patin yang direbus dengan bumbu pedas dan biasanya ditambahkan irisan buah nanas untuk memberikan rasa segar. Nikmat disantap dengan nasi putih hangat, rasanya gurih, pedas dan segar.

10. Pindang Tulang, berbahan dasar tulang sapi dengan sedikit daging yang masih menempel dan sumsum di dalam tulang, direbus dengan bumbu pedas, sama halnya dengan pindang patin, makanan ini nikmat disantap sebagai lauk dengan nasi putih hangat.

11. Malbi, mirip rendang, hanya rasanya agak manis, berkuah dan gurih.

12. Tempoyak, makanan khas Palembang yang berbahan dasar daging durian yang ditumis beserta irisan cabai dan bawang, bentuknya seperti saus dan biasa disantap sebagai pelengkap makanan, rasanya unik dan gurih.

13. Otak - otak, varian pempek yang telah tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, berbahan dasar mirip pempek yang dicocol dengan kuah santan dan kemudian dibungkus daun pisang, dimasak dengan cara dipanggang di atas bara api dan biasa disantap dengan saus cabai / kacang.

14. Kemplang, berbahan dasar pempek lenjer, diiris tipis dan kemudian dijemur hingga kering. Setelah kering kemplang dapat dimasak dengan cara digoreng atau dipanggang hingga mengembang.

15. Kerupuk, mirip kemplang, hanya saja adonan dibentuk melingkar, dijemur, kemudian digoreng.

16. Kue Maksubah, kue khas Palembang yang berbahan dasar utama telur bebek dan susu kental manis. Dalam pembuatannya telur yang dibutuhkan dapat mencapai sekitar 28 butir. Adonan kemudian diolah mirip adonan kue lapis. Rasanya enak, manis dan legit. Kue ini dipercaya sebagai salah satu sajian istana Kesultanan Palembang yang seringkali disajikan sebagai sajian untuk tamu kehormatan. Namun saat ini kue maksubah dapat ditemukan di seluruh Palembang dan sering disajikan di hari raya.

17. Kue Delapan Jam, dengan adonan mirip kue maksubah, kue ini benar - benar sesuai dengan namanya karena dalam proses pembuatannya membutuhkan waktu delapan jam. Kue khas Palembang ini juga sering disajikan sebagai sajian untuk tamu kehormatan dan sering disajikan di hari raya.

18. Kue Srikayo, berbahan dasar utama telur dan daun pandan, berbentuk mirip puding. Kue berwarna hijau ini biasanya disantap dengan ketan dan memiliki rasa manis.

International Airport Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II

International Airport Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II is an international airport serving the city of Palembang, South Sumatra and surrounding areas. The airport is located in the region KM.10 Sukarame District. International Airport Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II is operated by PT Angkasa Pura 2. The name of this airport was taken from the name of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II (1767-1862), a local hero who had led the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate (1803-1819).

The airport has officially become an international airport and can accommodate the large-bodied aircraft on January 1, 1970. The development of the airport started on January 1, 1990 with a total cost of Rp366, 7 billion which comes from Japan International Bank Corporation Rp251, 9 billion and matching funds from the state budget amounting to Rp114, 8 billion.

Between the development undertaken is an extension of the runway along the 300 meters x 60 meters to 3,000 meters x 60 meters, construction vehicle parking area of 20,000 meters which can accommodate 1000 vehicles as well as the construction of passenger terminal building of three floors covering 13,000 square meters which can accommodate 1250 passengers, equipped garbata and cargo terminals and other support buildings covering an area of ​​1900 square meters.

The result of this development makes International Airport Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II can accommodate the Airbus A330 and Boeing 747 and the like. In addition, the flow of passengers is projected to rise from 7720 passengers to 16,560 passengers. After that there will be construction of toll roads Indralaya-Palembang Sultan Mahmud Airport Badaruddin-II to facilitate access to the airport.

Juanda International Airport

Juanda International Airport, is an international airport serving the city of Surabaya, East Java and the surrounding areas. Juanda Airport is located in District Sedati, Sidoarjo regency, 20 km south of Surabaya. Juanda International Airport is operated by PT Angkasa Pura 1.

The airport has a runway length of 3000 meters. Juanda Airport which has an area of ​​51,500 new m², or about two times higher than the old terminal which is only 28 088 m². New airport is also equipped with a parking facility covering an area of ​​28,900 m² that can accommodate over 3,000 vehicles. The airport is expected to accommodate 6 million to 8 million passengers per year and 120,000 tonnes of cargo per year.

Juanda Airport, originally built as a Navy air base. But in its development also serves civilian flights. In line with the growth of civil aviation, the management of Juanda Airport was transferred from the Department of Defense to the Department of Transportation and later handed back to Perum Angkasa Pura I.
Old Terminal
Juanda International Airport long has 2 terminals, one domestic terminal and an international terminal. Domestic terminal is divided into two sub-terminal, namely A and B to arrival to departure. International terminal is also divided into two sub-terminal, in C to D for departure and arrival.

New Terminal
The new airport has 11 airbridge or garbarata. Juanda Airport has operated a new start date of November 7, 2006, although only inaugurated on November 11, 2006 by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. New Juanda Airport consists of three floors. New Terminal is divided into two terminals: Terminal A or Terminal B or Terminal International and Domestic Terminals. Garuda Indonesia airlines domestic flights use Terminal A as their domestic departure terminal, while Terminal B as their domestic arrival terminal. All international flights were flying Garuda Indonesia or landed from Terminal A. Most flights at the new terminal is already using garbarata / elephant's trunk, but still there are still using a ladder, especially for domestic planes.Land Transportation Facilities To / From Juanda Airport, Surabaya
1. Bus
DAMRI buses provided by local governments that can deliver passengers to the terminal several main/Bungurasih a cost of Rp15,000. In November 2006, coinciding with the opening of the new airport, new bus transportation system started operating.

2. Taxi
Taxi Primkopal Juan impose fixed rates to different destinations in the city of Surabaya and the surrounding area including Malang, Blitar, Jember, Tulungagung. Unlike other airports in Indonesia, Juanda Primkopal Taxi only allowed to deliver passengers. Taxi tickets can be purchased at the counter at the exit either domestic or international airport. However, all taxis are allowed to transport passengers to the airport. In addition to the official taxi, like other airports in Indonesia, there are also taxis which are usually dark cheaper tariffs, but of course security can not be guaranteed.

Baju Kebaya Indonesia

Friday, April 1, 2011

Baju Kebaya Indonesia is one of the distinctive national dress Indonesia, which is increasingly rapid development. In the past, mothers and our grandmothers wear kebaya as everyday wear with a simple model and motif. However, this time in baju kebaya Indonesian has become a modern outfit.

Palm Tree Indonesia

Palm tree numerous in Indonesia with various types and forms. Usually a tree, bush or shrub with stems that rarely branched and grows straight upwards. Growing up in a single trunked (eg, coconut) and also there are eg, barking. Some of its members half-creeping or climbing (eg rattan). Roots grow from the base of the stem, cylindrical, less branched but usually grow a lot and solid. Roots elongated palm grows in the soil, so as to sustain the stem that grows tall (up to 20m or even more).

Bandung, West Java

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bandung City is one town in Indonesia's most fortunate to still have one witness to his past history that can be read through the old buildings with various forms of architecture. Through one's wealth, everyone can browse the travel history of the city and the people of Bandung, depending on its interests.

In terms of architecture, Bandung once dubbed the most complete architecture laboratory because it has many architectural riches that until now the source of inspiration and research materials are endless to be dug. Various old buildings are not only able to tell how the early city was built. However, from another perspective-especially in relation to the commemoration 400 years VOC-can be known how the nails occupiers began gripping areas that have been dubbed the Earth Parahyangan to exploit natural resources and human.

Priangan Highlands region as one of the plantation since the year 1870 with the center and at the same place they live in the city of Bandung. Embryo of the opening of the plantation area still can be seen through the old building is now used as the administrative center of Bandung. The building was built in 1819 by Governor General Van Der Cappelen Dutch East Indies at the suggestion of Dr De Wilde, who then became Assistant Resident Priangan (Center for Research Jarahnitra, 1998). The building was formerly a warehouse to store coffee. Because the form of a flat roof, the building society building flat dub

THE golden age of the physical development of the city of Bandung was marked by rampant construction of modern buildings from the late 19th century. The period was marked by the transfer of the capital city of Cianjur Priangan to Bandung in 1864. However, the positive impact of socio-economic progress of this city then showed remarkable progress since planned as the capital of the Dutch East Indies, Batavia replace the sanitary considered less supportive. The proposal was conveyed by the transfer of the capital of HF Tillema (1916) and approved by the Governor-General Van Limburg Stirum.

As an emerging area so the city, the city of Bandung has a more comprehensive restructuring since the 1920s. Marked by the construction of buildings which is conducted simultaneously with the transfer of the capital plan has invited the attention of city planners and building. One of them leading designer, Ir Thomas Karsten, who designed the Bandung so that his ideas became known as "Plan Karsten". EXCEPT known as the Garden City which gave birth to a variety of praise for her beauty, in the fields of architecture, the city of Bandung bequeath wealth of architectural style. Through the old buildings Sate Building, which until now remains a landmark of Bandung, the campus Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) who try to integrate modern and traditional architectural styles, the city is still storing wealth art deco style of architecture.

Art art deco revival in Bandung reached its peak in the 1920s. One of them is the Earth Building is now used as office Siliwangi Rector Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). Building that almost resembles a ship that is the work of designer Prof. Wolf P Schoemaker. This building was originally a villa owned by DW Barrety dedicated to his wife. In 1964, the government purchased the building and then used for the educational activities of Higher Education Teacher Education (PTPG), the precursor to the Institute of Teacher Education (Teachers' Training College) in Bandung. Style art deco style of architecture that is not less in number can be found along Braga street, one of the most prestigious street in Bandung, in addition to other architectural styles style. Understandably, at that time in Bandung, there are more than 70 designers of the building. In fact, no less than Ir Soekarno, the first President, had to give color and richness of architectural buildings in this city. The building is characterized with two-story roof and upper part there is a kind of cudgel.

Unfortunately, some buildings that could be told about the city's history, culture and art of architecture began to be torn down a lot. Some of them do exist who were rescued thanks to persistent efforts by the managers of Cultural Preservation Society of Bandung (Bandung Heritage). However, some others are not clear anymore because it was razed to the ground. With the power of economic regime, on top of already established a new building. So, many are worried about Bandung will lose one of its cultural identity and also wealth.

Building Satay in Bandung, West Java

Monday, February 28, 2011

Many architects and building experts expressed building Satay is one of the attractions of Bandung which have stunning elegant monumental buildings with unique architectural style leads to the form of Indonesia-European architectural style. Building Satay, with his trademark form of ornament skewers on the central tower, has long been a marker or landmark Bandung, which is not only known to the public in West Java, but also all over Indonesia and even model building was used as a signal for several buildings and city signs in West Java. For example, the building forms the front of the Railway Station Tasikmalaya. Built in 1920, this white building is still standing strong but graceful and now serves as the central building of government of West Java. In the history of building Satay, during the period of 4 years in September 1924 successfully completed the construction of the main building Gouverments Bedrijven parent, including the headquarters of the Postal, Telephone, Telegraph and the Library.

Especially on Sundays environment Satay House lawn be an option where the majority of the people to relax, just sit around enjoying the fresh air or light exercise Bandung.

Meatball In Malang, East Java

Friday, February 25, 2011

This effort stems from the meatball around in 1977 by Abah Sugito, founder and owner of Meatballs President. And be a simple meatball shop in 1982 just behind the Cinema President Malang. To simplify the customer remember the name of the shop meatballs, the President was wearing the name of Cinema. Until when President Cinemas converted into the function of Partner 2 Department Store in 1990, a name still used as a brand president of the increasingly famous meatballs this.

Ice Campur
My Childs were eating the meatballs.
Mejeng euyy....
Abah Sugito desire for developed and developing does not stop when the stall has been running. With diligent and conscientious, he never tired to innovate products homemade meatballs. Until at last created a variety of products such as this. Because the native Malang meatballs actually only consists of 4 types of products, namely meatball, tofu, dumplings wet and dry. Because that's innovation Sugito Abah Malang even more famous as a center of meatballs in Indonesia. Until another meatball traders who follow and imitate various creations meatballs dub 'President' as BAKSO PIONEER.

Bali, Indonesia

Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome to the Bali Island of Gods, the island who has everything of travel to Indonesia: The world class Art & Culture of the Balinese that it has survived the repeated invasions of other cultures, temples, traditional festivals, white sandy beaches, cruising trips and many more.
Bali island, located in eastside jawa island. Island with many beauty [of] making people agape to wish again there. Custom which so jell felt [in] each;every tip of island, added [by] beautiful for view. You can enjoy the Kuta and Legian beaches with the white sands and other beaches which offer more tranquility; Ubud which famous for painters and carvers communities, community, terraced paddy fields, monkey forest; modern hotel resorts at Nusa Dua; The temples in Klungkung which representing the beauties of Balinese religion & cultures, the tropical small islands; Mount Agung & Mt. Batur Volcanoes with its beautiful volcanic lake, world class restaurants, shopping centers, discotiques and still many more. Bali offers everything.

The beautiful island of Bali has all the elements of a true exotic vacation. Not only does it have world class waves at your finger tips, it has the cultural activities and a beautiful atmosphere with great local people to make a great overall experience. Every type of traveler can have a trip of a life-time in Bali, from single travelers meeting people in the town of Kuta Beach or on the cliffs of Uluwatu in the hillside eateries, to the couples and honeymooners taking in the market places, colorful parades, relaxing on the beaches and experiencing some of the greatest sunsets in the world.

Bali can be overwhelming, even for the more experienced traveler, but with our surf guide and hotel packages, we will have someone to greet you at the airport, whisk you away to your hotel or resort without haggling with the local taxis (which can definitly give a bad taste in your mouth at the start of your trip). Once at the hotel, having a surf/tour guide at your beckon call 8 hours a day makes you feel safe on the busy roads of the city and gives you the key insight to be at the right surf break at the right time with local knowledge about the area, hazards, paddle out spots and to keep your valuables safe if you choose to have him stay next to the car.

Tenun Songket Indonesia

Monday, January 24, 2011

Songket adalah kain tenun yang dibuat dengan teknik menambah benang pakan sebagai hiasan dengan menyisipkan benang perak, emas atau benang warna di atas benang lungsin. Kata songket berasal dari istilah sungkit dalam bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Indonesia, yang berarti "mengait" atau "mencungkil". Hal ini berkaitan dengan metode pembuatannya yaitu dengan cara mengaitkan dan mengambil sejumput kain tenun, dan kemudian menyelipkan benang emas. Indonesia terkenal dengan kain songket yang terbanyak berasal dari Sumatra Barat dan Palembang.

Kain Ikat Khas Indonesia


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