The Museum Of Jambi

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Jambi city still has a museum that has a culture collection of Jambi Province. The Museum of Jambi, located at the intersection of Jalan Prof. Dr. Soedewi Sofwan, and Jalan Urip Sumoharjo. Built on February 18, 1981, and inaugurated June 6, 1988. The museum features traditional architecture Jambi, the Kajang Lako House. Currently, the museum is in a period of renovation will be completed in December 2011. The museum has a land area of ​​13 350 square meters with building area of ​​4,000 square meters.

Museum of Jambi has a diverse collection numbering approximately 2855 units. These collections are grouped in sections such as geologika, Biologika, filologika, etnografika, arkeologika, historika, numeratika, keramologika, fine arts, and teknologika. Collection has been divided into several sections are also grouped in different rooms. one of them, the room that presents cultural treasures Jambi culture of ancient times like the Malay traditional hunting equipment, farm equipment and fishing, as well as woven and woven handicrafts and batik Jambi typical with flower motif. Then, Jambi Malay ethnic wedding supplies ranging from traditional dresses to wedding paraphernalia wedding accessories, wedding, bedding, and special batik cloth used to wrap corpses.

In another room with the theme "Natural Potential Jambi", there are animals that exist throughout the province of Jambi. The animals have been preserved and some are replicas, such as Sumatran tigers, bears, crocodiles, and others. In addition, the natural potential of Jambi in the room there are also examples of timber trees in Jambi, and the discovery of the Batang river from time to time, such as natural stones from ancient times until today.

Picnic In Jambi, Indonesia

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tebo estuary is one of the city located in Batang Hari river and Trunk Tebo. Tebo estuary itself is a district capital Tebo regency. The city is located exactly promontory of the river (meeting) between the Batang Hari river and Trunk Tebo. Tebo Muara community often mention the confluence of two rivers as the tip of the Cape and is since a few years ago the area was used as a tourist location Tanggo Rajo.

Rajo Tanggo
Rajo Tanggo historically built as in ancient times the king Jambi been anchored in this area. This area is located right alongside the river. Extensive tourist spot is only about 1.5 acres directly adjacent to the estuary Tebo market and for some people who are scattered in several villages along the river, the area is often used to place the boat waiting for the machine (Getek) which is used for river transport. Rajo Tanggo visited crowded when holidays and on market day (Friday and Tuesday). Unfortunately, facilities and existing facilities are not properly groomed and facilities are fairly limited. Outside this region we can see the trees grow tall. Beautiful atmosphere makes the atmosphere is quite comfortable. Large trees are decades old even thought there might be hundreds of years old. Distribution of scattered trees follow the roads that are here. Not far from this area we can also find tennis courts are no longer maintained, there are only a few groups of young men sometimes sport here.
Fort tuo (old fort relic Japan)
About 300 meters towards the west end of the promontory, there is an old castle complex that was established and used Japanese soldiers during the occupation. Former Japanese building marked by the shape of the building is still intact and the names of some buildings that are listed on the walls of the building using the Japanese vocabulary, for example Sakura. Old buildings were destroyed unkempt and overgrown shrubs. This complex longitudinal follow the direction of the Batang Hari river right behind the complex. Towards the south about 30 meters from the complex right in the tomb of Sultan Taha Syaifudin hero with an area of ​​about half an acre more.
Heroes Tomb of Sultan Taha Syaifudin
Sultan Taha seoarang Syaifudin is a national hero who came and fought in Jambi. According to history he died and was buried in Tebo. Tomb of Sultan Taha became one of the destinations, unfortunately not optimal treatment for these historical buildings that began to experience physical damage.

Estuary market Tebo (Dutch heritage) and historic legend
This traditional market is different from traditional markets in other cities. Existing building is still largely a colonial relic, made of wood and two-story buildings with a typical form of the Dutch and the Japanese made the city khasan history is still felt. there is a market west of the old mosque, the mosque used to call people around the water's edge. This mosque is where the story according to the spread of Islam in Muara Tebo. There are some religious leaders Islamic tomb in front of the mosque, usually visited by people from the plains, jambi and other cities for the pilgrimage.
Enjoy the exotic nature in Batang Hari river and Trunk Tebo.
For those of you who love nature and like adventure, traveling in the two watersheds is very challenging for the try. We can use the boat engine (getek) belongs to the people to get around to follow the flow of this river. Along the river we can enjoy the natural beauty and distinctive residential community by the river.

Tired of traveling in the town of Muara Tebo, to add to the atmosphere khasan Jambi province, you should try some typical foods Jambi. one of which must be in the try is Tempoyak. Tempoyak is fermented durian fruit, used in cooking with catfish and ikan2 captured from the Batang Hari river. For souvenirs, you can buy a souvenir and finished as a sign you've arrived at the town of Muara Tebo.
Access to transportation and lodging is very easy to get. In Muara Tebo already there are some decent hotels, travel agents, and the city is traversed by a causeway linking the Sumatra city of Jambi, Padang.

Sipin Lake, Jambi

Saturday, June 30, 2012

One of the attractions that could be one destination to visit is the tourist area of ​​Lake Sipin. This tourist area is located not far from the center of Edinburgh. Only a 30 minutes from downtown, you've got to show off the natural beauty of the place.

This area is located at Simpang Buluran Recognize, Telanaipura District, City of Edinburgh. Precisely in addition to the Faculty of Medicine Unja. From the highway you have to see the sights of Lake Sipin magnificent.

The lake is a tourist area Sipin accentuate the natural beauty of the lake. You will feel comfortable in this place. Places that attract dozens of visitors, especially young people from the very crowded at 16.00 pm. For holiday visitors can of at 14.00 pm. You will enjoy the fresh air while looking at the scenery around the fabulous such as fishermen who are paddling the boat, and the existing houses on stilts across the lake. Attraction, every holiday is often found of road.
Usually visitors crowded the seats that have been offered by the management of this tour. As in the garden, or from the huts provided by the merchants. It is wonderful to see the views of the lake while tasting food sold in this area.
One trader said that the place is crowded tourist visited every afternoon. Interestingly here, this place can be used as recreation with family. Because the facility here quite complete, especially the evening cool environment and not far from downtown.

In this resort there are also boat rides. You can paddle your own boat with a lover or beloved family. Boat that you paddle across and around the lake, of course, you have to cross that line has been determined by the manager of the boat dock. To play this boat, you just spent money amounting to Rp 5 thousand / person. Each boat usually consist of three or four people.
"This boat rides recently opened after the Eid yesterday, so still relatively new, about 1 month. Visitors can paddle your own boat or use the services of workers. They circled Lake Sipin, of course, be guided through the pathways that we have provided

Rujak Cingur Surabaya

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Rujak Cingur is one of the traditional foods that are easily found in East Java, especially Surabaya region of origin. In the Java language the word "cingur" means "mouth", this refers to the material of the mouth or nose sliced ​​beef boiled and mixed into the dish. Rujak Cingur usually consists of several types of sliced ​​fruits such as cucumber, Krai (a type of cucumber typical East Java), bengkoang, young mango, pineapple, plus kedondong and rice cake, tofu, tempeh, and cingur bendoyo and vegetables such as sprouts / bean sprouts , spinach and beans. All the material was mixed with a sauce or condiment made ​​from processed shrimp paste, boiled water for a bit thin, sugar / brown sugar, chili, fried peanuts, fried onions, salt and thinly sliced ​​green banana seeds are still young (banana klutuk). All the sauce / seasoning mixed with diuleg way, that's why salad is also often called salad cingur pestle.

Rujak cingur divided into two kinds, namely the presentation of 'ordinary' and 'matengan' (refer to the letter e in the word matengan like calling the letter e in words like / call / bendoyo). Presentation of 'normal', or generally, of all the materials mentioned above, while the 'matengan' (mature, Java) consists of only cooked ingredients alone; rice cake, fried tofu, fried tempeh, bendoyo (a simmering Krai) and vegetable (kangkung, long beans, bean sprouts) which has been deliberated. With no material 'mentah'nya the fruit, because basically there are people who do not like fruit. Both use the sauce / seasoning the same.

These foods are called rujak cingur for processed spices used are shrimp paste and sliced ​​cingur. This is what distinguishes the food in general is usually salad without the use of materials such cingur. Cingur salad commonly served with additional crackers, and a base pincuk (banana leaf) or a plate.

Bungkul Parks In Surabaya

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bungkul parks located on Jalan Raya Darmo Surabaya, the park is located in an area approximately 900 square meters. Parks Bungkul such as  is the heart of Surabaya. The park is now a theme park for those who want to enjoy the green in the center of town. Some events are also frequent in the title of this park for entertainment or cultural activities. In the back garden, there are some stalls which offer typical menu Surabaya, as Rawon, Soto, meatballs and more. Parks hump crowded from morning till night and be part of Surabaya city that deserves to be proud of.
Since March 21, 2007, Park was inaugurated with the concept of cauliflower Sport, Education, and Entertainment. Besides, this park has various facilities, such as skateboarding and BMX bike track, jogging track, plaza (an open stage that can be used for live performance of various types of entertainment), wireless internet access (Wi-Fi or hotspot), public telephone, green arena park such as the fountain, Pujasera area and ready to drink tap water (KASM) is the newest facility at this time which was inaugurated by the Mayor of Surabaya on August 11, 2009.
The park is open to the public, every day from morning until evening, for Sunday morning is usually the place as a center Singgahan the bicycle community. Because one way that the enactment of the "car free day" (days with no motor vehicles) that have been implemented by the Government of Surabaya. And it still continues to develop this activity in several other streets in Surabaya.

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